Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Vero Beach

Vero Beach is known as "Velcro Beach" for good reason.  It is very common for people to plan on being here for a day or two and staying for weeks.  We had planned on leaving the day after Thanksgiving but I am flying home for a week so the boat will be here until at least December 9th. 

We have been enjoying the convenience of the local free bus system and walking to the beach.  This is a great place for birders. We have been using our bird book every day.   Watching the sanderlings scamper along the beach has been keeping me amused. The bird book describes their behavior as looking like "wind up toys" which is an accurate description. Their little legs are a blur as they zoom across the sand.  They are so fast they are hard to photograph.

Boats are expected to raft up to 3 boats per mooring.  Because of the close proximity, and the tendency to hang around here, there is an active social life.  We have been going to other boats for drinks, we have had people aboard, and we had a nice turkey dinner at Lynn and Walt's house (friends from a previous trip) where we met yet more boaters.  Every Monday we have been joining a group that dinghies over to Mr. Manatees for happy hour.  Anyone who is able to eat the giant burger gets a free tee-shirt.  We did not attempt this challenge.

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