Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gloucester to Old Lyme, CT

Sunday, October 2nd we left Gloucester on a foggy rainy morning with the wind out of the NE at 15-20 with gusts to 25 with 5-8 foot seas.  Not the most comfortable day on the water...

We pulled into Scituate in the early afternoon and flagged down the boat club launch to ask about moorings. The mooring fee included launch service, showers (yippee!) and use of their club house with a fireplace and a huge flat screen TV showing the Patriots game.  We went for a walk into town. During our walk the weather could not decide if it wanted to be foggy, or rainy, and settled on drizzly as the best compromise.

One of the most vexing questions at the dinghy dock is whether the outboard should be up or down. The boat club solved this in a very clever fashion.

Monday was sunny and calm. Although we had to motor most of the way it was a treat to have calm seas.  We timed the tide perfectly for the Cape Cod Canal and had a smooth, fast trip. 

This little tug boat that passed us in the canal had a perfect name, Capt. Shorty.


We had planned on spending the night in Onset, but we were making such good time we decided to go to Mattapoisett.  We stopped for fuel at the boatyard.  They were starting to decommission for the winter and had moved the diesel tank so the hose no longer reached the fuel dock so we had to go into the Travellift slip where the hose would reach.  The depth in the Travellift slip seemed to be about 5 feet, 10 inches, which was inconvenient for our 6 foot draft.  Luckily it seemed to be a soft bottom and we bumped our way in and back out.

Tuesday we woke up at 5:30 to get ready for an early start.  In case you are wondering it is still dark at this time of the morning.  We wanted to leave early to avoid coming into Mystic in the dark as we have done on previous trips.  We had 15-20 knots of wind with following seas and  were averaging 6.5 knots for the day.  We had planned on 5-6 knots so we got in early enough to check out an anchorage at Mason's Island and then go for a harbor tour through Noank and Mystic.  We were very happy to see one of our favorite boats, GRAYLING.

Wednesday we headed for Old Lyme, CT.  This was a short run of about 20 miles so we had a leisurely breakfast of coconut bread French toast before leaving.  The sun was out and although it was chilly the day was beautiful.  We had a marvelous sail with the current and had a great time.  This was one of the days when sailing was pure joy. 

We docked at Old Lyme Dock Co around lunch time.  Robin drove down to pick us up and we are staying at her house for a few days and being spoiled in her beautiful home eating her delicious food and admiring Rick's progress on his airplane. It amazes me that someone can build their own airplane! Hopefully some day I will get to go for a ride.

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