Saturday, October 1, 2016

Rockland,ME to Gloucester, MA

We left Rockland on Tuesday, September 27th after the stowaways decided they did not want to join us. We spent the first night in Poorhouse Cove in So. Bristol and had a great time with the MacNeil's having dinner and talking about boats. 

Wednesday was cold, overcast, and the seas were short, steep, and uncomfortable.  We remembered that we have no schedule and there is no reason to be unnecessarily miserable so we stopped in Boothbay Harbor. We had a pleasant surprise, Mike Sharratt was at the dock. We had a nice visit and went out to eat at the brew pub.

Thursday was sunny but still cold.  We sailed to Cape Porpoise Harbor.  On the way we saw a flock of sea birds diving to catch fish that dolphins were driving to the surface.

Friday was overcast and cold. We sailed to Gloucester in 5 - 8 foot seas with 15-25 knots of wind.  We only used the jib but were still averaging over 6 knots.  This boat is fun to sail!

Friday night we listened to the rain pattering on the deck all night. Saturday morning we talked about how nice it is to listen to the rain outside while we are inside and came to the conclusion that staying inside would be a good way to spend the day. We are staying at anchor in Gloucester and working on boat projects. 

We have seen quite a few lighthouses so far.  For those of you who like lighthouses, how many can you identify?  Leave your answers in the comments.

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