Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 4 - 6. Brunswick, GA

We left St. Mary's on Wednesday, April 5th and had an easy trip up the ICW and across St. Andrews Sound. When we got to Jekyll Island the stress level went up as it was just after low tide and the water was very skinny.  We spent a lot of time with the depth sounder reading less than a foot, and frequently zero. Luckily the silt on the bottom is very soft and the tide was rising so we were able to get through without going noticeably aground. 

Mid afternoon we tied up at the dock at Brunswick Landing Marina.  We had heard great things about this marina and they all turned out to be true.  They have free laundry, free beer, and free bikes and a huge book exchange. The first night we went to the happy hour at the clubhouse and not only did they have free beer, but they also had free wine! 

The next day the wind was 25-30 knots with gusts to 35 knots all day so I spent the morning doing 5 loads of laundry.  Free laundry within easy distance of the boat and the use of a dock cart made this usually difficult task much easier. The weather is getting very chilly at night and we have unpacked our winter clothes so it was nice to wash them since they were a little musty smelling.
We planned to leave on Friday but the wind was still blowing 20-25 knots with gusts to 30 so we decided to stay for another day.  In the evening the town has a First Friday walk. The shops stay open late, the little parks in town have music, and there is a small car show.

Saturday there was a farmers market next to the marina with beautiful vegetables and a BBQ Cook Off challenge. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by guys! We enjoyed having you. Come back and see us soon? :)
