Thursday, April 6, 2017

Mar 31 to Apr 4. St. Mary's, Georgia

Bill spent some time on Friday morning adjusting the carburetor on the outboard. 

Midmorning we left Cumberland Island against the tide and with a 20-25 knot headwind on our way to St. Mary’s.  It was a good thing this is a short trip because it was slow going.   We found a space on a fingerpier on Lang’s West dock and then treated ourselves to a late lunch/early dinner at the Riverside Café.

Saturday we tried calling members of the yacht club who volunteer to drive cruisers on errands.  It was a beautiful day so they were all busy and we ended up taking a cab to the Publix.  The grocery store is in a small mall that also had a hairdresser so I stopped in for a much needed trim.  In the evening we had dinner with Roger and Maddie from BLUE GOOSE II. We met Roger the last time we were in St. Mary’s. They have a home in Islesboro and we are very much looking forward to spending more time with them in the future.

Sunday was bath day for CORRET.  It has been an embarrassingly long time since we have had the availability of fresh water to scrub the decks.  She looks much better clean!  In the afternoon we walked around town.  St. Mary’s is a lovely little town with live oaks overhanging wide boulevard style streets lined with well kept old houses and beautiful gardens.  The riverfront park is beautifully laid out with pergolas with swinging benches, a fountain, a playground for kids, and an amphitheater.

Monday we borrowed a car and refilled one of our propane tanks.  I spent some time at the Visitors Center using their wifi to update the blog.  In the afternoon we went for a walk to the historic trail and the Oak Grove Cemetery.  While we were there it started to rain so we had to hurry back to the boat. In the evening impressive looking storm clouds rolled in and we had several severe thunderstorms with high wind during the night.  The boat was bouncing around at the dock so we did not get much sleep between the movement, the noise, and getting up frequently to check lines and fenders. 

Tuesday we played tourist.  The St. Mary’s Submarine museum has interesting exhibits about diesel and nuclear submarines and their history and evolution.  One of the exhibits was about submarine tenders and there was a plaque from the HOWARD W GILMORE,  one of the ships that Bill was on during his time in the Navy.  In the afternoon we toured Orange Hall, a Greek Revival Style mansion built in 1830.

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