Monday, April 29, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

 Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park, Tennessee

The weather in the morning was warm and mostly cloudy. After breakfast we drove down winding tree covered roads, one one-way road, and some narrow roads to a boat launch on the Mississippi River. Dozens of bluebirds swooped across the road in front of us and we had to slow down to avoid hitting them. When we arrived there was one elderly gentleman there who told us about how he had been fishing along this stretch of the river since he was 9 years old and about the houseboat he had built. When he left we had the place to ourselves and spent a few hours sitting by the river. We watched barges being pushed down the river. The current is very fast right now as the river is high, it is probably 4-5 knots. Tree branches were swirling down the river at a high rate of speed.

The park is so beautiful and peaceful we decided to stay another night. Before lunch we went for a hike on a woodland trail. The path wound through oak, cypress, tupelo, and beech trees along a winding brook. The land has eroded around the tree roots and damaged the trees in many places leaving room for younger trees to have a chance at the sunlight. There was just enough of a breeze to keep the bugs away. The sun came out and the temperature rose to the mid 70s.

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