Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Welcome to our “land yacht”, version of traveling! We are headed out for a few months to travel around the country. 

Our new trailer does not have a name, so it is sharing the old CORRET blog. (We welcome name suggestions!)

Late last summer we bought a roof top tent. It is relatively easy to set up and take down and we do not have to sleep on the ground. The first time we used it camping we realized that although it is comfortable and roomy there was a downside. If the tent is on top of the roof it has to be packed away before moving the vehicle. We remembered that we owned a utility trailer and thought that would be a more user-friendly option. One thing led to another, and Bill built a very cool travel trailer.

I forgot to take a picture of the trailer in its original form, but it made an accidental appearance in a house project photo. It was an ordinary utility trailer working hard at moving staging. It is now retired from construction work and will be living its best life touring the country.

 This is what the trailer looks like now when it is in travel mode.

When the trailer transforms into a camper this is what it looks like. 

We hit the road on Wednesday and are looking forward to our new adventures. We will be sharing the driving. Bill's 50% of the driving will involve any sections of the day that involve backing up.


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