Friday, August 20, 2021

Great Cranberry Island

We woke up to a calm morning with many options of where to go next.  The views from the harbor of the mountains invited us to head for Mt. Desert Island, Schoodic Peninsula was visible in the distance, and right next door was Great Cranberry Island. We had never been ashore at Great Cranberry so we went for a dinghy ride to the island.

Stepping ashore visitors are greeted by a tree festooned with lobster buoys framed against a backdrop of the dramatic scenery at the entrance to Somes Sound. 

The Cranberry General Store is located near the public dock and has an astonishing variety of groceries along with coffee, ice cream, and a cafe. The delicious smells from the cafe made us regret that we had already had breakfast. We were very proud of our willpower in resisting second breakfast. 

The paved road leads past beautiful houses with great gardens and interesting lawn ornaments to a trail leading to a rocky beach. 

We stopped in at the museum where they host a wide variety of community events from lectures, book signings, readings, art shows, movies, and and karaoke.  The island has a rich history of quilting and I asked for permission to photograph the intricate stitching on one of the quilts on display.  The amount of work and artistry on display was impressive. 


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