Thursday, August 12, 2021

Buckle Island

We had a chilly, but comfortable, downwind sail under mostly cloudy skies to Buckle Island, one of our favorite places.   We arrived in time to settle in and enjoy a beautiful sunset. 

In the morning we woke up to dense fog.  

The fog cleared up mid morning so we made the most of the improved visibility to go kayaking around the small islands near Buckle.  We were entertained by a flock of common terns fishing under the watchful eye of a bald eagle. 

After kayaking we went ashore to walk around the island.  Buckle has a magical feel with dense woods, trails that wind around fallen trees covered in mushrooms, and hidden surprises.  There is a door in the middle of a stand of trees, and the fairies have houses scattered throughout the island. 

The view from the harbor frames the mountains on Mt. Desert Island and beckoned us on to our next adventure.

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