Thursday, August 12, 2021

Little Cranberry Island

The trip from Buckle Island to Little Cranberry Island was calm so we had to motor the entire way.  The schooners without engines use a yawl boat to push them when the weather is calm.  

It was a treat to see Bass Harbor Light on a clear day, most of the time when we have made this passage it has been foggy. 

Little Cranberry Island has a few guest moorings. This is a popular harbor and they were all taken so we anchored just outside the mooring field. The town of Islesford on Little Cranberry Island is a mix of year round residents and summer visitors and tourists. The wharf and the lobster boats co-exist with the water taxis and private boats. There is a barge/ferry for vehicles that brings some fairly heavy equipment out to the island. 

We went for a walk around town to admire the houses and flowers. The islanders take great pride in their gardens. Wandering around town is as good as a garden tour. 

At one point the island had cranberry bogs and a huge mosquito problem. A drainage project eliminated most of the cranberries, but the mosquitos survived. Signs throughout town warn of the resilience and determination of these insects! 

In the evening a dramatic fog bank started rolling in to the harbor. 

The fog held off long enough for us to enjoy yet another amazingly beautiful evening.  One of the nice things about being on the boat is that we have the leisure to spend time to watch an entire sunset. 

The next day was rainy and cold so we spent the day on the boat reading, doing miscellaneous boat chores, and relaxing.  I decided to bake bread in the afternoon but it was so chilly inside the cabin that the dough would not rise.  I ended up filling all of our coffee mugs with hot water, placing them in an insulated box,  and balancing the pan of bread dough on them. This worked and we had fresh bread with our dinner. 

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