Friday, July 16, 2021

Perrys Creek to Rockland

 Another calm day on the water.

After breakfast we dinghied over to North Haven and explored the Sage Woods trails. These are beautifully maintained trails just outside of the village. The 26 acres have a maze of trails winding through the forest. The owners of the property have spent years creating the paths and managing the forest. We feel incredibly fortunate that there are places like this to enjoy. 

The trip back to Rockland was calm, chilly, and overcast. Rounding the monument at Fiddler's Ledge we could see the Camden Hills through the haze. 
A solitary red boat provided a splash of color in a monochrome scene. Yet again we feel like we are living inside of a painting. 

A somewhat boring boat ride became interesting courtesy of the Coast Guard.  A HC144 was flying training operations outside of Rockland Harbor. (Thanks Eric for the plane identification!). They were flying low, slow, circles and dropping objects with parachutes attached for a Coast Guard boat to find and pick up. Watching them fly with the rear cargo door open was fascinating.  

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