Friday, July 9, 2021

July 7, 2021

 Wednesday morning was a bright and clear day with crystal calm waters.  We ate breakfast on deck watching seals and eagles fish. The local crows were very upset by the eagles and after watching the eagles dive after a family of ducks we were very happy about the crows driving the eagles away. No ducklings were injured.  A pod of dolphins swam under the boat, including a tiny baby dolphin that was very close to the surface and seemed as curious about us as were about it. 

We left Smith Cove under motor and had a leisurely cruise to Great Spruce Head Island where we stopped for lunch. 
The view from our lunch anchorage was amazing. We felt like we were living inside of a painting. 
After lunch the wind picked up and we had a nice sail to Vinalhaven.  

The entrance to Seal Bay was marked by seals sunning on the rocks. 

In the evening while we were sitting on deck a couple with two very cute border terriers dinghied over and we talked with them for quite a while. He had built his boat and he and Bill had a great time talking about technical details. 

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