Friday, July 16, 2021

Camp Island to Perry's Creek

We woke up to a calm and peaceful scene with mirror like reflections on the water.  A song sparrow on Camp Island sang a beautiful song. His back up singer was a tern with a very high pitched squeaky voice.  The tern was fishing next to the boat and finding plenty of small fish for breakfast. 

We motored past Stonington with its houses tiered on the hill. This is a working harbor and most of the lobster boats were already out fishing.

Crotch Island has an active quarry. Someday we would like to see the gantry crane in action loading stone onto a boat. 

The trip to the Fox Island Thoroughfare was an uneventful motorboat ride.  There were a few other sailboats motoring, some lobster boats hauling traps, and the occasional curious seal.

The windjammers and Goose Rock Light are icon Maine scenes. 

We anchored in Perry's Creek, one of our favorite places, and went for a paddle in the kayaks. Exploring areas where we cannot take the big boat makes taking the kayaks worthwhile.

On our way back to the boat we saw a small seal trying to eat a big fish.  It tried flipping the fish up in the air to swallow it head first but that didn't work, so it tried biting it but could not chew it into small pieces. Then it tried shaking the fish, but that didn't help so it tried throwing it again. Eventually a seagull solved the problem by stealing the fish.  The seagull could only fly a few feet above the water in short hops because of the weight of the fish.  The seal didn't try to get the fish back, it just dove and hopefully found a more suitable portion size. 

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