Friday, July 9, 2021

Smith Cove


We woke up to a white world of dense fog.  A family of dolphins swam by the boat and disappeared into the mist. After a few hours the fog lifted enough to see the HERITAGE raising her sails getting ready to sail slowly and majestically out of the harbor.  The winds were very light so they tacked slowly back and forth for two hours to clear Smith Cove and Castine. Watching a schooner sail out of a harbor is like stepping back in time. 

A calm foggy morning is a perfect day to spend ashore exploring Castine.  I was charmed by the little free library in the shape of a boat.  We walked to the real library and were just in time to watch the librarian wind the beautiful old grandfather clock.  

On our way to buy ice cream cones there was a sign that captured what we are trying to do perfectly.

Walking around Castine is like going on a garden tour. The flowers and gardens next to the historic houses with a view of the water are a treat. 

Our dinghy had not been getting up on plane so we hoisted it out of the water using the spinnaker halyard and Bill scrubbed the algae and grass off the bottom.  We took it for a test drive after its bath and it was able to plane again. 

In the afternoon the wind was still calm so we decided to stay in Smith Cove. We packed a picnic lunch and went for a kayak ride to explore. We found a little waterfall and ate our lunch while the current drifted the boats past tenacious pines growing out of the granite. 

On our way back to the boat we paddled around Sheep Island.  Over 50 seals were sunning on rocks and fishing in the cove.  The seals were jumping out of the water in graceful arcs as they chased fish.  Watching their acrobatics was amazing, although when they jump in back of the kayak it is spooky hearing the splashes. 

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