Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 22nd to May 25th. Solomon's Island to Magothy River

Monday, May 22nd, we finally left Solomon’s Island.  Although it was an overcast day with light rain it felt good to be underway again.  We had an uneventful trip to Annapolis and picked up a mooring in Spa Creek.

Tuesday we spent the morning walking around the beautiful downtown admiring the architecture and the gardens.

We had lunch at McGarveys with our friends Julie and Mike from SEA JULES.  It was wonderful to see them!  While we were having lunch the Blue Angels were practicing over the town.  Very cool!

Tuesday evening we had dinner with Lana and Robert from OUR DIAMOND at Pussers. Seeing them again and having a chance to hear about their adventures was so much fun! 

Wednesday we joined Lana and the crew from the charter company she works for on a Lagoon 42 catamaran and watched the Blue Angels show.  Watching from the water was amazing.  Lana said that there would be more boats than we had ever seen in one place. She was not exaggerating.

Thursday morning we had an easy trip up the Magothy River and tied up at Ferry Point Marina for our long awaited reunion with Philippe, CORRET’s former owner.  He came aboard and we showed him what we have done with the boat and then had lunch together.  We feel very fortunate to have had the chance to meet Philippe and to have the opportunity to sail CORRET.

In the afternoon we enjoyed the live music from the restaurant while bird watching. The barn swallows were busily swooping around the boat eating bugs – good job little birds!  A playful osprey demonstrated his merry-go-round for us.  He lands on the very expensive wind instrument on one of the boats in the marina causing it to spin when it lands.  When it stops he flaps one wing to continue his ride. I suspect the boat owner is not thrilled with being a bird amusement park proprietor.

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