Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 3 to May 6. Washington DC to St. Mary's, MD

Wednesday May 3rd we left Washington DC and had a fun, fast, wild sail down the Potomac in 15-20 knots of wind gusting to 30.  We left Washington DC at 6:25 a.m. and pulled into Smith Creek at 8:24 p.m. 

Thursday morning we left Smith Creek hoping to head for Solomon’s Island for the night but the wind and tide were against us and we ended up turning around and anchoring in Horseshoe Bend in St. Mary’s. 

In the afternoon we walked ashore and spent some time talking to a young man rigging his new Wazp foiling sailboat.  This boat looked like it would be a ton of fun, and when he sailed by our boat up on the foil later in the day he was grinning ear to ear.  While we were walking through the old cemetery we saw a couple with a dog and three lambs and stopped to talk to them (ok, really we stopped to meet the lambs). The woman is hand raising the three lambs who are completely adorable. They spend most of their time with the dog so they were picking up sticks, but did not seem to see why the dog thought they were so nice to chew.

Friday and Saturday were windy, rainy, and cold, so we stayed on the boat curled up under blankets and ate too much food.  We like to cook on chilly days so the oven heats up the cabin.

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