Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 26 to May 30. Ferry Point to Cape May

Friday we left Ferry Point Marina and had a nice sail to the Bohemia River and anchored in Veazey Cove.  We anchored where there was supposed to be 7 feet of water. At low tide we had about 2 inches under the keel.  Our lack of maneuverability was concerning when we saw an overturned Hobie Cat drift by. Luckily while we were radioing the Coast Guard a fast powerboat came along and helped the crew.  Later the powerboat next to us dragged their anchor and we had to use the air horn to warn them. 

Saturday we left the Bohemia River at 7:20 in the morning and had a fun run through the C&D Canal with the current. Our trip down the Delaware Bay was an uneventful motor boat ride in the mirror like calm. Although the afternoon rain was cold and dreary the weather redeemed itself with a bright double rainbow over the Cape May Canal.

We had hoped to go into Utsch’s Marina but there was no room so we anchored for the night at 6:20p.m. after our 11 hour day. 
Sunday we pulled into Utsch’s fuel dock and the amazingly kind staff found us the last place in the marina. Doug picked us up and we spent the afternoon at Doug and Jackie’s house enjoying their hospitality and visiting with their now adult children, Nick and Kelly.  Nick was a baby at our wedding so this made us feel old!  Tom and Jerilyn drove down to join us so we had a nice family reunion.

Our plan was to leave on Monday, but we ended up staying at the dock for two reasons. One, the weather was rainy with wind from the north, and two, our autopilot fell apart.  Auto Von Helm is a valued crewmember.  Bill performed reconstructive surgery so hopefully we will not have to hand steer all the way home! Re-assembling the autopilot took a few hours, mostly with trying to keep the ball bearings in place. Every time we had them where they were supposed to be a boat would wake us and they would roll all over the place.

In the afternoon the weather cleared up a little bit so we walked to town to look at the Victorian houses. The touristy section of town was very popular, it looks like the merchants are off to a good start to the season.

Tuesday we tried to leave Cape May, but as we were going out the inlet it was raining and  we were already cold. We remembered that we have no scheduled to keep and that we were in no hurry. We decided to turn around and wait another day in hopes of better weather rather than being cold and wet for the 24 hour trip to Port Washington. The scattered rain showers turned into all day rain so I think we made the right decision. 

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