Saturday, May 11, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

 The wind came up overnight and the tent fly made quite the racket until Bill solved the problem by getting up in the middle of the night and taking the fly off the tent. In the morning, we woke up to a beautiful view of Lake Powell.

Our goal for the day was to go to Zion National Park. We had a great drive to the park; the scenery is gorgeous everywhere in this area! When we arrived at the park there were ominous clouds in the distance and the wind was starting to pick up. We decided just to drive through the park and come back another day.

The drive through the park was a lot of fun. The mountains are every shape and color, and the road winds its way through the landscape in a series of switchbacks. There are two tunnels that have one-way traffic if a large vehicle is going through. The longer tunnel has many curves and has a few windows cut in the side of the rock. 

As we were exiting the park there was a thunderstorm. The winds were very gusty all afternoon. We saw a few dust devils and our first tumbleweeds flying down the highway. We drove through St. George, Utah on our way to Overton, Nevada where we spent the night in a hotel and had dinner at local Mexican restaurant.

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