Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

 There was rain overnight, so we stayed in bed until 8:00 when the rain stopped. Breakfast was oatmeal enjoyed while sitting in our rocking chairs looking at the lake.

The drive from Steinaker State Park to Flaming Gorge was incredible. Route 44 climbed to an elevation of 8428 feet on a twisting road with tight switchbacks and steep grades. The views were great until we drove into a cloud and then there was very little visibility. When we dropped down out of the cloud we could see the reservoir and mixed terrain of rocky mountain slopes and forests.

We had lunch at the Hitching Post Restaurant in Green River, Wyoming. The weather was cold, windy, and rainy with very ominous looking storm clouds. We drove over the Continental Divide at an elevation of 6930 feet. Along the way we saw herds of cows and a herd of wild horses and enormously long trains. Wyoming looks exactly like my expectations. Wide open spaces, expansive views, and grasslands with mountains in the distance.

Because of the weather we decided not to camp tonight as there was a chance of thunderstorms and the wind was very strong. We drove to Casper, Wyoming, did some shopping, then stayed at a Days Inn and caught up on laundry.

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