Saturday, May 11, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 The morning was sunny, 48 degrees, and no wind. We checked out of the hotel and moved the trailer to the Tusayan Montane campground then headed into the Grand Canyon.

The Bright Angel trail winds its way to the bottom of the canyon in a series of switchbacks along the side of the cliff. We knew we were not fit enough for this trail but wanted to walk down a little ways. Although the trail is about 3 – 4 feet wide the side next to the canyon is a drop off all the way to the bottom. We only walked down a few hundred feet before turning around. The views were great!

We decided that walking the rim trail was more to our liking and had an enjoyable walk stopping frequently to take photos. A mule deer was munching on some underbrush as we passed and has seen so many tourists that it did not interrupt its meal to watch us. We also had a chance to meet some of the famous Grand Canyon mules!

We ate lunch in the park then went back to the campsite. Susan went into Tusayan to work on the blog, there was no public library, so McDonald’s was the best option for internet and a space to set up the computer.

The campsite hosts stopped by to talk in the evening. It was nice to hear about their experiences and how they decided to be hosts. They are very conscientious about their jobs; the restrooms were the cleanest ones we have ever seen.

The weather turned cold once the sun went down so we bundled up in our warm clothes and closed up all the flaps on the tent and went to bed early.

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