Thursday, May 2, 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 The morning was spent doing laundry and making reservations for the next few days. We do not like to plan too far ahead; this makes reservations tricky as the parks are filling up. We may need to start being more organized about our itinerary.

We left Santa Rosa around 10:30 headed for a park just outside Santa Fe. The scenery changed from flat lands with just a few sage brush to mesas with mountains in the distance. The drive was very scenic. The sun was out, the humidity was very low, and it was in the high 70s.

The road from Santa Fe to Hyde Memorial State Park was windy and steep with great views of mountains. This road would have been a lot more fun on a motorcycle rather than in a station wagon pulling a trailer.

We spend most of the afternoon in Santa Fe wandering around and taking in the sights. One of the most interesting places was the Loretto Chapel and the miraculous staircase. The chapel does not have room for a traditional staircase and the nuns prayed for a solution. A carpenter appeared, built a spiral staircase with no central support and no supports to the walls, did not use any nails, and disappeared before they could pay him. The chapel also has statues showing the stations of the cross.

In the evening we had a relaxing time at our campsite and then went to bed early as the temperature dropped. Overnight we were glad we brought our cold weather sleeping bags when it was 38 degrees.

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