Monday, May 27, 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The night was cold and clear with a full moon. When we woke up the temperature was 33 degrees. We decided to go out to breakfast instead of cooking in the cold.

We had an enjoyable drive to Kodachrome State Park where we went for a hike on the Panorama trail and saw sedimentary spires and interesting geological formations. The views are fantastic and varied with many flowering desert plants.

After Kodachrome we drove on to Teasdale, Utah to see Kyle. The drive was amazing along the tops of plateaus with breathtaking views. The scenery was so stunning that it was impossible to take pictures that were at all representative of the reality of the view.

Kyle led us on a great hike in an off the beaten path trail in Capital Reef. The hike started with wading across a stream. There was no one else on the trail, it was wonderful having our own private guide who is knowledgeable about the geology and plant life.

We had dinner at a food truck. The prickly pear tacos were delicious. We stayed up late for us (10:30) talking with Kyle and his roommates. This was a lot of fun, and we thoroughly enjoyed the conversations and the company.

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