Monday, May 27, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


The night was cold with rain, then snow in the morning. After breakfast we drove back into the park and stopped at Fairyland Canyon to admire the view. We were going to do a short hike but it was still spitting snow and cold so we headed to the Visitor’s Center and checked out the exhibits and watched the informational movie until the weather changed.

The weather cleared up, the sun came out, and the temperature became much more comfortable. We parked at Inspiration Point then walked the rim trail to Sunset Point. We spent most of the morning walking the Navajo Loop Trail which descends into the canyon. The views were stunning! My goal was to walk 10 steps without taking a photo. I did not meet this goal. The beginning of the trail was a challenge due to my extreme fear of heights but it was worth it!

We had lunch at the Bryce Canyon Pines restaurant and then went back to camp and spent some time in the afternoon reorganizing the car and trailer. After dinner we went for a short hike in Red Canyon to see yet more hoodoos!

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