Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monday, April 28, 2024

The original plan was to spend one night at Red Rock Canyon, but it was so beautiful and peaceful that we decided to spend another night. In the morning William, the ranger on duty, very kindly helped us with a trailer issue. The fenders have been a little bit of an issue when we hit bumps. When we were at Hillary’s one of the tires was showing wear so Tom lent Bill a grinder to modify that fender. Today William brought his grinder and he and Bill ground off the part on the other fender that was causing a problem. Other than this minor issue the trailer is working out great.

Bill wanted to relax in the campground, so Susan went into Hinton to the Hinton Historical Museum. The curator, Art Peters, was interesting to talk to. He is a self-taught archeologist who specializes in the California Wagon Trail. He has mapped out about 25 sites as far as the Texas border where the pioneers had stopped and has a well thought out display of artifacts. He shared a story about the local educational television station wanting to do a documentary about the wagon trail but not having a budget. He was able to provide wagons, found re-enactors with period costume, people with horses, and permission from landowners in order to create the documentary. The museum had an eclectic selection of displays from old newspapers, telephones from the earliest hand crank phones to 1950s brightly colored plastic dial phones, plowshares, wagons, and old cars. The museum also has the 3rd largest collection of barbed wire in the country with over 1500 examples. Art said that this display was a little bit of an accident. Someone came in and asked if he would like their collection and he said, “sure, bring it in”, and the man said he had to go get his truck. Art wondered what he had just agreed to, then had to sort, research, label and display all the 18 inch sections of wire.

After the museum the librarian at the Hinton Public library offered the use of the conference room and wi-fi to update the blog and catch up on emails.

The light was beautiful in the evening, and we spent some time walking around the park and taking photos of the red rock in the canyon.

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