Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

We woke up to a beautiful morning at Lyman Lake State Park. The view of the lake from our tent was peaceful and a great start to the day. We began the day with a hike and enjoyed the views of the lake and the mountains in the distance.

After the hike Bill changed one of the trailer tires, it was the one that had become chewed up by the fender before Bill fixed it with the help of Tom’s grinder when we were at Hillary’s. The tire was still okay but better safe than sorry, it is still fine to use for a spare.

In the afternoon we went in to the nearest town, St. John’s to use the library to update the blog. After spending a few hours at the very nice library we went out for lunch at a local Mexican restaurant.

The afternoon was spent relaxing and reading books. It was a very pleasant day.

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