Monday, May 27, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024


Any day that starts out with Green Eggs and Ham is a good day! We had breakfast at Green River Coffee company, and they had a fun and delicious menu. This was our favorite restaurant so far this trip. The food was great, the atmosphere was welcoming, the décor was eclectic, and the chai latte was a nice treat.

After our wonderful breakfast we drove to Goblin Valley State Park. This was the most fun and accessible of the parks we have visited. People are allowed to wander through the goblins (hoodoos) in three valleys, off trail, and it was great to be able to experience more “human sized” landscape. Each of the goblins is unique and it is a very cool place to imagine what each shape represents. There is a scene in the movie Galaxy Quest that was filmed here, if you haven’t seen the movie, it is worth it for the goblins.

The drive to Steinaker State Park was an unexpectedly great drive on 191 through the mountains on windy roads with spectacular scenery. There was a lot of truck traffic, and all the trucks were tandems, this was the first time I had seen a tandem dump truck.

We did not have reservations for the camp site, our luck was with us today as there were two campsites left, and we had a nice site with a view of the lake.

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