Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Valley of Fire State Park is only a few miles from where we spent the night. We were hoping to find camping in the park, but it was full. Instead of staying we visited the park during the morning before the temperature became too hot.

The greeters at the Visitor Center were majestic!

One of the first stops was at Atlatl Rock where we climbed the staircase to view the petroglyphs.

We then drove through the park stopping at Arch Rock, Rainbow Vista, and the Domes. The views were stunning. The wind and water have eroded the rocks into incredible shapes with many caves and holes in the rocks.

We spent the afternoon driving to various recreational areas to find a place for Bill to camp for the next week. Susan is flying home to Maine for six days. We found place at Callville Bay near Lake Mead.

After booking the campsite we drove to Hoover Dam and walked across the bridge to view the dam. It is an incredible feat of engineering. We then headed back to Overton for the night.

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